
I Was Desperate to Find a Solution

patient testimonial james t

“My name is James, I’m 46-years-old, and I was a former entrepreneur in the Information Technology industry. I was diagnosed with depression and anxiety in 2001 and have tried several different medications over the years, with some relief. Yet, the drugs made me feel like another person, and they muffled my personality. I didn’t like that feeling.”

“At the worst of my depression and anxiety, I was probably sleeping 20+ hours a day with almost no emotional response. Basically, my wife was raising the kids. There were times that I really don’t remember much about what was going on around me. I knew I was at home, not doing anything and just kind of sleepwalking through each day.”

“For the next several years, I had tried talk therapy, numerous medications, and even one medication that actually resulted in a rare side effect, which put me in the emergency room. This was scary, and I was not getting better.”

“Eventually, my depression and anxiety were so bad, I was forced to sell my business, so I could focus on getting healthy again.”

“I was desperate to find a solution.”

“It wasn’t until 2010 that I met with a neurologist to explore my treatment options, and he suggested I try TMS Therapy. He referred me to Dr. W. Scott West, who was practicing this new treatment in the Nashville-area.”

“I was unaware of TMS Therapy, but my wife and I discussed that it was worth learning more about since I had been in such a bad state for so long, and it’s not going to hurt to go talk to someone about other therapy and understand the pros and cons—so we reached out to Dr. West. During my consult, Dr. West and I discussed my depression and anxiety, and determined I was an ideal candidate for TMS treatment.”

“I think one of the big value propositions with TMS Therapy is that it is medication-free, which was a new alternative for me to explore instead of just trying another antidepressant alone.”

“When I began my full course of TMS Therapy treatment, I slowly noticed each week more and more improvement, and I was getting positive feedback from my wife.”

“After seven weeks from my first TMS Therapy session, I actually started a new job. I felt well enough to go do that!”

“Looking back, my depression took a huge toll on my wife and family. I think a less strong marriage would have resulted in a divorce, given the same situation. If it had not been for discovering TMS treatment, I potentially would’ve been out of a job and divorced. TMS Therapy drew me out of the abyss.”

“The number one thing I got out of my TMS Therapy was just the ability to be able to work and provide for my family again.”

“I enjoy life again, and TMS Therapy got me back to being me without sacrificing my personality, which enabled me to have the relationships that I had before depression—being a dad, a husband, a brother, son, that kind of thing.”

“My advice to someone struggling with depression would be just try it. If you are willing to try antidepressants, you should be more than willing to try TMS Therapy because there are no real negative side effects, and the benefits, in my experience, were much greater than medication alone. There are more people than just me who’ve had extraordinary success.”

46-year-old former entrepreneur in the Information Technology industry

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