
What We Treat


Explore our proven medication-free treatment options that provide our patients positive, lasting results.

Imagine treating depression without medications. Many people suffer from depression and have tried numerous drugs or conventional therapies with little to no improvement or lasting relief. At Nashville Neurocare Therapy, we leverage the advanced technology of Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS) Therapy to target the root cause of depression, helping our patients live happier.


Treatment with TMS Therapy

TMS Therapy is a proven and safe, drug-free treatment for individuals suffering from depression.

depression treatment with tms therapy
depression treatment with tms therapy


Treatment with TMS Therapy

TMS Therapy is a proven and safe, drug-free treatment for individuals suffering from depression.

neurofeedback treatment ADHD & Sleep Disorders

ADHD & Sleep Disorders

Treatment with Neurofeedback

Neurofeedback is a safe and effective, drug-free treatment option for individuals struggling with ADHD as well as sleep disorders such as insomnia.

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